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INFRAGARD - National Capital Region 


The InfraGard program is a public/private cooperative effort dedicated to improving our national security. InfraGard consists of Chapters throughout the United States and has thousands of members. The FBI leads the U.S. Government side of InfraGard. The private sector side of InfraGard is led by a non-profit corporation, the InfraGard National Members Alliance, which consists of local InfraGard Members Alliances (IMAs) throughout the country. An InfraGard “Chapter” refers to the local FBI, the local IMA, and the local InfraGard members working together. “InfraGard” is a registered service mark of the FBI.


InfraGard National Capital Region (InfraGardNCR) consists of a constantly growing membership of professionals committed to creating a more resilient critical infrastructure in the Washington, DC metro area. Our membership includes both public and private sector representatives from the defense industrial base, information technology, water supply systems, energy, emergency services, healthcare, transportation, banking, and telecommunications sectors.  Our "area of responsibility" covers the same geographic area as that covered by the FBI's Washington Field Office and is shown to the left.  We are one of three chapters of InfraGard in Virginia, and the second largest chapter in the country.  


Meet the Board of Directors

Meet the Sector Chiefs



© 2024 InfraGard National Capital Region Members Alliance 

WARRANTY DISCLAIMER  The FBI, InfraGard, and its affiliates provide information, including but not limited to software, documentation, training, and other guidance to be known as “materials.” The materials are provided as-is and we expressly disclaim any and all warranties, express or implied, including, and without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, quiet enjoyment, and integration, and warranties arising out of course of dealing or usage of trade. You agree that, as between you and the FBI, InfraGard, and its affiliates, you are responsible for the outcome of the use of materials made available, including but not limited to adherence to licensing requirements, and taking legal and regulatory considerations into account. There is no guarantee of accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the information provided.


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