Welcome to #CyberCamp 2024!
We're excited to bring you a one-week long, in-person #CYBERCamp!
Through hands-on instruction, games, team competitions and personal challenges students will enjoy a week-long immersive learning experience.
JUNE 24 - JUNE 28, 2024 | IN-PERSON | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
HOW TO REGISTER (Deadline 30 April)
Complete the application
Email the completed application to Robin Walker (rwalker@infragardncr.org)
- You will be notified of camp acceptance by email within 24 hours of us receiving your completed application.
- Submit the registration fee via the PayPal QR code below
NOTE: It is very important that all questions in the application be answered. Please be sure to include a parent e-mail and the student e-mail address. We will use the students e-mail to send them necessary info to prepare for camp. We will use the parent e-mail to communicate camp details, safety protocols and to gather any information you care to share about your student that will help facilitate a great week at camp.
High School Students will learn the following:
Linux Fundamentals
Coding Python for Gaming
Artificial Intelligence
Cyber Attack Online Safety
Cybersecurity Careers
Students must be rising freshmen through recently graduated (2024) high school students.
Basic understanding of computers and a strong passion to understand and learn about cybersecurity.
Each student who completes the camp will receive a certificate of completion and a camp t-shirt.
Camp will be held in-person from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday, with a one-hour break for lunch from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM. The classes will take place at Marymount University in Arlington, VA (1000 N Glebe Rd)
COST $195
**Requests for refunds will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Camp T-shirt
Certificate of Completion
.Interested in sponsoring a student?
Contact us at rwalker@infragardncr.org to discuss!
Prior academic partners: