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FAQs about InfraGard


What is InfraGard?

InfraGard is a collaborative effort between the FBI, InfraGard members, and InfraGard's public and private sector partners to share information with the goal of protecting the nation's critical infrastructure.  InfraGard shares unclassified and often publically available critical infrastructure protection-related information in an online and physical environment to add value to FBI priorities to protect the nation's critical infrastructures and key resources.


How many InfraGard Chapters are there?

There are 78 separate 501(c)3 InfraGard Member Alliances (IMAs), or chapters, across the country, each tied to the FBI field office in their geographic region.  There is also InfraGard National Members Alliance (INMA) that exists to support the IMAs in their execution of the InfraGard mission.


How many InfraGard members are there?

There are over 80,000 members as of April 2022. 


How many people are in each Chapter?

It depends on the chapter.  Membership ranges anywhere from 50 to over 4000 people.


Where can I find a list of the Chapters?

Go to for a list of the 78 chapters.


Do the Chapters each have their own websites?

Some Chapters have their own websites.  Links to them are provided in the chapter list at


Does each state have one Chapter?

No.  It depends on several factors including the geographic location of people who want to participate and the variety of industries in the state.   For example, New York has six chapters while Alaska has only one.


Who can join InfraGard?

The FBI establishes the criteria for membership.  In general, any US citizen who is committed to the protection of our nation's critical infrastructure, and is willing to consent to and pass an FBI security risk assessment, may join.


Who are the current members of InfraGard?

The current membership is primarily made up of persons who represent critical infrastructures (transportation, energy, water, etc.) and government agencies.  Our chapter has over 3200 members.  Roughly 40% of our members self-select "information technology" as the primary sector with which they are affiliated.  Defense, government facilities, and financial services sectors combined make up another 35%.  The remaining 12 sectors comprise the remainder of our membership.


How do you become a member?

Go to our members page, fill out the online application and select the Washington, DC chapter.  As part of this process, you must also read and abide by the InfraGard Code of Ethics and Policies and Procedures as well as consent to the FBI conducting a security risk assessment.


Is there a background check?

No, but the FBI does conduct a number of record checks which comprise a "security risk assessment."


Do you need a security clearance to join InfraGard?



Do I get a security clearance if I join InfraGard?

No, however, there are some roles which may allow you to pursue obtaining a clearance if you meet eligibility requirements.


How much does it cost to join InfraGard?

It costs nothing to become an InfraGard member.  Some IMAs/chapters, however, may choose to assess fees that go toward conducting meetings, paying for speakers, etc.


How are local Chapter activities funded?

The FBI is prohibited from participating in chapter fund raising.  The FBI maintains a Cooperative Agreement with the INMA wherein certain activities such as travel in support of the program are funded. Other funds come from grants or sponsorships to the IMA.  Most funds are represented by "in kind" contributions of volunteer time or services (meeting space, speaking, etc.).


Are foreign citizens allowed to become InfraGard members?

No, but the IMA (the private sector side of the local chapter) may choose to allow foreign nationals to be a "foreign affiliate" or "guest" of the IMA, however, they would not be afforded access to the InfraGard secure portal.


What are the benefits of InfraGard membership in general?

Members benefit by meeting and interacting with people from critical infrastructure sectors and interests outside of their own as well as with government representatives (FBI, DHS, state agencies, etc.).  In addition, you have access to the InfraGard's secure website where unclassified and For Official Use Only information (FOUO) is shared.


What happens at InfraGard Chapter meetings?

Chapters generally host a guest speaker who presents on topics that are of interest to the chapter members.  These topics include, for example, pandemic outbreaks, cyber vulnerabilities, and continuity planning.  Additionally, time is allowed for the members to interact with each other for informal discussions.


How many people attend the meetings?

Meeting attendance depends on the chapter, the topic, etc.  Generally, about 25% to 50% of the total local membership attends any one given meeting.  In addition, FBI agents and local FBI management may attend these meetings as well as the local DHS Protective Security Advisor (PSA) and other state and local government representatives.


Do you have to be an InfraGard member to attend an InfraGard meeting?

In general, most InfraGard meetings are open to non-members. Some chapters, however, may occasionally have members-only meetings and briefings


How often do local chapters meet?

Some chapters meet quarterly, some meet bi-monthly, some meet monthly.  It depends on the activity level of the particular chapter.


When do they meet?

The chapters may meet during the day (morning, lunch or afternoon meeting), all day, or in the evening.  Some chapters may vary their meeting times in order to accommodate more members' or speakers' schedules.


Is there a fee to attend the meetings?

It depends on the chapter and the event.  Chapters may charge a nominal fee to cover lunch costs, speaker's fees, etc.  However, many speakers are volunteers and if there is lunch, it may be covered by an event sponsor.


How are the local chapters structured?

It varies but usually a Board of Directors and Officers are elected by the members.  The IMAs each have their own Bylaws but are required to abide by some basic rules set forth by the INMA.  Although it is a national organization, the strength of the program is in the activities of the local chapters across the country.

© 2023 InfraGard National Capital Region Members Alliance 

WARRANTY DISCLAIMER  The FBI, InfraGard, and its affiliates provide information, including but not limited to software, documentation, training, and other guidance to be known as “materials.” The materials are provided as-is and we expressly disclaim any and all warranties, express or implied, including, and without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, quiet enjoyment, and integration, and warranties arising out of course of dealing or usage of trade. You agree that, as between you and the FBI, InfraGard, and its affiliates, you are responsible for the outcome of the use of materials made available, including but not limited to adherence to licensing requirements, and taking legal and regulatory considerations into account. There is no guarantee of accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the information provided.


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